Weakest Passports in The World

A passport serves as an official government-issued document that verifies the identity and nationality of its holder. This is why it typically includes personal details such as name, date, place of birth, photograph, signature, and other identifying information.

Beyond its primary identification function, a passport is also a crucial travel document. It is presented as part of the necessary credentials for international travel, facilitating entry into foreign countries and re-entry into the home country.

However, not all passports have the same global mobility and travel strength. Some passports grant their holders the freedom to travel to numerous countries without needing a visa or by obtaining a visa on arrival. Other passports require visas for many destinations. Their holders have limited travel options, which is why they are considered weak.

The question now is, what makes a passport strong, and what makes it weak? This article aims to explore the factors influencing the disparity in passport strength. We will also identify and discuss the top 10 weakest passports in the world in terms of travel freedom. Let’s dive right in!

Factors Influencing Passport Strength

The strength of a nation’s passport is influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Visa-free entry access to other countries

When you have visa-free entry into another country, it means you can use your home nation’s passport to enter without needing a visa. Whether you can have visa-free entry into a country or not depends on the kind of passport you hold, as different passports have different levels of access to various countries.

Some passports also provide visa-on-arrival access, allowing holders to travel without obtaining visas beforehand but requiring them to obtain visas upon arrival. This is generally more advantageous than needing visas before travel.

Countries with strong diplomatic ties and international cooperation are more likely to negotiate these visa-free or visa-on-arrival agreements with other countries. Passports from these countries are highly regarded because they enable holders to visit numerous countries without requiring advance visas. The more visa-free or visa-on-arrival access a passport has, the stronger it is considered.

  1. Economic stability and development

Economic stability and development contribute to a country’s overall prosperity and influence its global standing. Nations with solid economic foundations are often more attractive to investors, have a greater capacity for international trade and diplomacy, and may have more vital passports due to their ability to negotiate favorable visa agreements with other countries.

  1. Political stability

Political stability can also significantly impact the strength of a nation’s passport. This is because countries with stable political systems are generally viewed as more trustworthy by the international community. They are perceived as reliable and predictable in their policies and international commitments. This trust can lead to easier negotiations for visa-free access or reduced visa requirements for their passport holders.

  1. Income

The income or wealth of a nation can also significantly influence the strength of its passport. Usually, citizens from higher-income countries are perceived as lower-risk travelers, less likely to engage in illegal immigration, overstay visas, or strain host country resources. They’re also viewed as more likely to foster economic benefits and potential investments. Hence, countries often prioritize more accessible visa procedures for citizens from wealthier nations.

On the other hand, individuals from countries experiencing high levels of poverty and economic instability often face stringent visa application requirements and scrutiny. There are concerns that citizens from these nations may be more inclined to overstay their visas, engage in unauthorized work, potentially strain the host country’s resources, or violate immigration laws. 

  1. Security measures and integrity of the passport

This has to do with the measures a country put in place to ensure its passport document is secure, tamper-resistant, and reliable for verifying identity and nationality, reducing the risk of fraud or misuse of passports. Countries with passports with solid security measures and high integrity are better positioned to participate in international travel and diplomacy securely.

Read Also: The Most Powerful Passports in the World

Top 10 Weakest Passports in the World

In summary, countries with passports that offer minimal visa-free access often face such restrictions due to poor diplomatic ties, political and economic instability, poverty, and other factors. These factors contribute to their lower rankings on the global passport index. Below is a list of the top 10 weakest passports in the world:

  1. Afghanistan

Afghanistan currently has the world’s weakest passport. Afghan passport holders have limited travel freedom, with access to only about 26 countries, either visa-free or visa-on-arrival. The country’s political instability, poor security conditions, and strained diplomatic relations significantly impact the travel freedom of its citizens.

  1. Iraq

The next in the ranking is Iraq, whose passport holders can gain entry into as many as 28 countries either without a visa or with a visa on arrival. This country is characterized by political and economic instability, resulting in a weak passport ranking.

  1. Syria

Syrian passport holders can only gain access to about 29 countries, visa-free or visa-free on arrival. A continuous period of civil war and international sanctions has badly affected Syria’s diplomatic relations and, hence, its weak passport.

  1. Pakistan

The Pakistani passport is the fourth on this list. Holders only get visa-free or visa-on-arrival privileges to about 32 countries. This low rank has been driven by consistent political, economic, and security issues and strained diplomatic relationships.

  1. Yemen

Yemen’s passport allows access to approximately 33 countries without a visa or visa-on-arrival. Yemen’s position as one of the world’s weakest passports reflects its current geopolitical and economic struggles. The ongoing conflict, humanitarian crisis, and resulting international isolation have severely limited the mobility and opportunities of its citizens.

  1. Somalia

The Somalia passport only allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to about 34 countries. The reasons for the poor ranking of this passport are not far-fetched. Decades of conflict, ongoing struggles with political instability, economic challenges, and issues with passport security and integrity, among others, have weakened the passport over time. In fact, besides the limited visa-free access, many countries impose stringent visa requirements on Somali citizens, further restricting their international mobility. 

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  1. Palestine 

Visa-free or visa-on-arrival access with the Palestinian passport has always been limited. The passport has consistently been ranked among the weakest passports in the world. The recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict is poised to even further weaken the nation’s reputation and, by extension, its passport in the international community.

Palestinian passport only opens the way to approximately 35 countries. The political and economic situation in Palestine has always been a complex one, characterized by a prolonged conflict with Israel, political division, and severe humanitarian challenges.

  1. Nepal

Eighth on our list of weakest passports in Nepal. Holders of this passport can only access 38 countries visa-free. The country’s history of political instability, including a decade-long civil war (1996-2006) and frequent changes in government, has incredibly impacted its global image over the years.

  1. Libya

The Libyan passport currently allows its holders visa-free access to 40 countries. This restriction has been shaped by years of conflict and instability,  which has significantly impacted the willingness of governments to offer visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to Libyan nationals. 

Notably, Libya’s history of dictatorship under Gaddafi and the subsequent civil war left a lasting impact on its global standing. The country’s prolonged isolation and sanctions during Gaddafi’s rule contributed to its difficulty securing favorable visa agreements.

  1. Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s passport allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to only 41 countries, placing it among the world’s weakest passports regarding travel freedom. This limited access is obviously due to several economic challenges, such as poverty, underdevelopment, and weaker diplomatic influence.

Read Also: Visa Free Countries in Africa


The strength of a passport is influenced by several factors, including a country’s political stability, economic development, diplomatic relations, and the integrity of its security measures. Strong passports offer hassle-free access to their holders, while weak passports are significantly limited in access.

These restrictions can be a significant disadvantage to the holders of weak passports, as they limit travel freedom, which affects opportunities for tourism, education, business, and family visits. Therefore, it is crucial for these nations’ governments to take steps to improve political stability, foster economic development, strengthen diplomatic relations, and enhance the security measures of their passports. By addressing these issues, they can work towards improving the strength of their passports, granting their citizens greater global mobility and access to a broader range of opportunities.

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Kehinde Olukanni
Kehinde Olukanni
A graduate of Biochemistry, an avid writer dedicated to impacting lives through writings and making people grow more knowledge and understanding. A relationship, self help and lifestyle coach dedicated to helping young people.

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