RESQTEC, a Dutch company specializing in aircraft recovery solutions, partnered with Rwanda Airports Company (RAC), the operator of Kigali International Airport,  aircraft recovery equipment, training, and services.

The partnership is aimed at enhancing the airport’s readiness for runway excursions and decrease the effect on operations. The airport’s acquisition of RESQTEC’s latest aircraft recovery technologies, including the innovative R2S lifting system will enable it to reduce runway closure time after an incident by more than 50 percent.

However, R2S lifting system is a machine that facilitate controlled and continuous lifting in one shot, welcoming the new class of larger, and heavier aircraft with creative wing designs.

Experts has it that, the equipment is swift, easy to use, and last longer, allowing easy removal of disabled aircraft without affecting stability or cause some other damages.

According to the Managing Director of RAC, Charles Habonimana, he said RAC’s tactical investment propels it to the leading edge of airfield safety innovation, allowing for a significant drop of more than 50 percent in runway.

“With this groundbreaking technology at our disposal, this demonstrates our unwavering commitment to enhancing our emergency response capabilities, ensuring the utmost safety of our airports and passengers. As a result, we are now better equipped than ever before to swiftly and effectively address aircraft incidents across all our facilities.

He also added that RAC is ready to foster collaboration and share the expertise with other countries to make the whole aviation system stronger and more secure.

Meanwhile, Martijn Poen, the International Sales Manager at RESQTEC, expressed his gratitude to Rwanda Airports Company (RAC) for choosing RESQTEC as its aircraft recovery solutions as part of Rwanda’s unceasing efforts to recover disabled aircrafts.

Furthermore, the project was completed on July 7 following the successful delivery, installation of equipments, and training a special team at RAC that knows how to recover disabled aircraft.

The partnership between RAC and RESQTEC was strengthened during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali in June 2022.

Moralist Festus
Moralist Festus
Moralist Festus is a writer, journalist, and newswriter at Business World Africa, where he focuses on delivering Business News in Africa. Also, he has keen passion for artificial intelligence, and philosophy.

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