In a strategic shift, Stears, the renowned pan-African source for economic and industry data and insights, has pivoted from a B2C (Business-to-Consumer) approach to...
Ten African startups have been chosen amongst 24 companies for Techstars Toronto, an acclaimed accelerator program, for its 2023 summer cohort. This edition of...
Nigeria’s mDoc and PharmaRun are among 5 African startups featured in the 2023 Google for Startups Growth Academy AI for Health program. These startups...
Twelve companies have been selected for the second cohort of the FAST Accelerator startup program by Flapmax. Flapmax is collaborating with Microsoft to improve...
In a promising development for Nigeria's Autotech landscape, Fixit45, a dynamic startup founded by Chioma Ahueze-Okochukwu, Goodluck Ikporo, and Pankaj Bohhra, has secured $1.9...